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Massage Therapy in Palatine
Hours & Location

Palatine Hours:


By Appointment Only:

Monday-Friday 11-6


Some Saturdays and Sundays available.


(Please download, fill out and email back your General Intake Form at least 48-hours prior to your initial appointment and at least one week prior to your initial appointment for Maya Abdominal Therapy clients)

5100 Grove Road
Palatine, IL 60067

Map Directions


Massage Therapy in Palatine is tucked away in the heart of nature at its best, enveloped in a forest of giant oak trees and buffeted by Salt Creek. During warmer months enjoy an outdoor massage with the soothing sounds of water from our fountain and nearby creek, along with an occasional chirping bird and the breeze through the trees.


When it’s too cool for outdoor massage, you will move indoors and be kept warm and toasty by the fireplace and heated table, along with optional heating treatments such as hot stonesLuk Pra Kob, hot towels and hot packs.


Massage Therapy in Palatine is conveniently located just minutes from all major area expressways (I-90/I-290 and Route 53), IKEA and Woodfield Mall.


Mapquest Directions


Dyan JacquinPhone: 630-235-2339Email:

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